One of our biggest issues these days with Max is the lack of attention...especially at school. Could he look any more bored?
We're trying a lot of various techniques to engage him...but wow, this lil' man is stubborn!
*I was super excited to learn through some recent tests that he is off the charts low in iron. With twice a day supplements, we are HOPING this could improve his energy and attention span.
Yep, Max you look really bored. ;)
Carolyn in WV
Ah, memorizing the pattern of holes in the ceiling tiles. I did that, too, Max.
STUBBORN??!!!?!?!? Not our CHARGE kids...LOL!
So cute, who needs school when you are already spelling! I couldn't believe that!
I'm a long term anaemic and daydream all the time so yes, it really could be making a difference to concentration
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