Sunday, April 18, 2010

my biker babe

Today was absolutely beautiful in Bellingham...a simply perfect day!

We headed out to Lake Padden to take full advantage of the sunshine. First we let the dogs have a great time at the dog park. Just love watching them run around and enjoy themselves!

Meanwhile, Max took my friend, Jon, on a wild ride. :) He held on to Jon's finger and would run around and around...oh yes, and around and around again! I think they did this for a good 30 minutes. Max was loving it...Jon was too but was getting very dizzy! (With Max not having a functional vestibular system, he has full advantage when it comes to a game like this!)

After the dog park, we all headed out on a walk...and we brought along Max's bike. Check it out!

It was so darn cool to watch Max so grown up and confident on his bike. It's a tricycle with a handle so we can push him while he practices moving his feet and legs with the pedals.
VERY proud of my gorgeous biker babe! :)

"Which way should we go guys...down that path?"

"I think we should go this way..."

(I said, "ready...set"...and he signed "GO!")

"And off we out world!"

"Here we are again. Mommy just gave me the "ready...set" and I am signing go!"


Samantha Seholm said...

Max looks so cute on his bike:) It was good to see you today.

Crystal M. said...

Love the bike Max, keep up the great work!!

Carolyn said...

Oh Max, you are a biker. Helmet and all. Love the determination in the face. You are doing great.

Kurby Family said...

You are a biker babe! Too cute! Great signing and riding, keep it up!

kimee said...

so cute max! love all the great pictures!