Wednesday, February 6, 2013

great progress

Max has been receiving services at Western Washington University's Communication and Speech Disorders Clinic for over four years. He receives direct services twice a week from rotating student therapists who are closely supervised by an amazing clinic director (Gail Noble-Sanderson...we love you!).

This semester we are blessed with the talent, dedication and experience of Miss Kara. She and Max are working together just beautifully and are having stunning sessions.
They are focusing on using his communication iPad app (Touch Chat) and sign to request and discuss books. He is SOOOO motivated when it comes to literacy.

Today they were reading "The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Scared of Anything." We pre-programmed the Touch Chat so that he could participate and comment on the book.

This is a shot of the page programmed
for this particular book.
Max thought it was great fun to have his body traced for the scarecrow.


1 comment:

Charlie Foxtrot said...

You can tell by that lovely smile of his that he enjoys literacy and his time with Kara. So wonderful! Go Max!