Wednesday, March 28, 2012

notes from school

I love that Max has been blessed with such a caring and dedicated aide. She is so wonderful! And I just love, love, love getting fun emails like this:

Your cutie pie is becoming more and more confident, comfortable and less dependent! Today he decided he wanted to try and jump all by himself. He took the time to make sure he was balanced right and jumped! He jumped and jumped and jumped. Then we walked around the ground and he came across several white lines and decided to jump over them all by himself! He did a great job! Not one little fall at all! Then he did something that was totally funny and I had the joy to watch! There is this pole for tether ball. He pressed his number 1 finger so hard against the pole and watched his finger turn pale. Then he let go and stared at his finger and watch it return to it's rightful color. Then he moved his finger like it bothered him. The aftermath of pressing hard and probably felt a little throb or something. It was like watching him do a science experiment!

In music today, the kids were rowdy due to having a sub teacher. I stepped in and told the kids that I'd write down names of those in good behavior, follow the directions and listen to the sub will get self respect ticket. That suddenly quieted up the room. Max sensed that I took minor charge. He tried to tell two boys no playing by walking up to them and made an "no stop that" facial expression and lightly "pushed" one of them. I told them what he was trying to tell them. They stopped and didn't do it again. I thought that was good he tried to communicate with them. It was funny.

Your boy is a SMART cookie and he's a good boy.

1 comment:

flo :) said...

I so love this. <3