Monday, July 26, 2010

yet another milestone!

Check this out!

I wrote my name for the very first time...ALL BY MYSELF! Woohoo!
We still have a little way to go on perfecting my letters, but Mommy and I are super duper excited!
(I also did my first tree and house!!!)


Sarah said...

Wow! That's awesome!
God Bless,
Brian, Sarah, and Caleb Hlebiczki

Carolyn said...

That is super Max. Good job.
Carolyn in WV

hannah m said...

WOW! Mighty max, you're awesome. I LOVE this and I'm celebrating with you!

Katy McKinley said...

LOVE it!!

Leslie, Arlin and Katie Kauffman said...

Wow, Max, what a HUGE accomplishment! Woo-hoo!! I'm sure your mommy is super-proud of you!