Wednesday, June 23, 2010

birthday celebration!

Max had his 5th birthday celebration on Sunday, and we had so much fun! First we enjoyed bubbles, soccer, and the new park with all our friends. Then we returned home for dinner and cake.

I love when my lil' monkey does funny and soooo strong!

Time for cake...

...and the birthday song. Everyone even followed along in sign too!

Decorating your own cupcake was a definite hit!

Max LOVES balloons...loves, loves, loves balloons!

Always fun to spend time with our friend Eva and her family!

Our neighbor, Trevor, always wears this fun yellow hat and Max always notices it. So for Max's birthday, Trevor decided to let Max borrow the hat for the party. How sweet is that?

And the highlight of the party for cousin Thomas? Snuggling with Miss Canela of course...he is head over heels in love. So cute!


Katy McKinley said...

Decorating your own cupcake is such a cute idea! I may just have to steal that sometime. :)

I'm glad that Max had such a fun celebration for this milestone of a birthday. It's hard to believe he's already 5-years-old!! (The photo of him with frosting all over his face is priceless.)

Leslie, Arlin and Katie Kauffman said...

Happy Birthday, Max! Looks like you had quite a fun celebration! Hard to believe you are 5 already. I remember the blog post of the day you came home from the hospital. You have come so far!

Crystal M. said...

Looks like a great party, I think loving balloons is a CHARGE thing....LOL!! Eva gets so excited seeing balloons.

Eva and her 'rents said...

So great to come and celebrate the life of Mighty Max! And, yeah, that frosting in a can--awesome. I so seldom allow myself such decadence!

Karen Rock said...

Happy birthday Max! I hope you both get great sleep for your birthday!

Mary said...

Oh, Amy, he has come so far since that first birthday! Both of you are amazing.

Kurby Family said...

Looks like a great day! I want to steal the decorate your cupcake idea for Joey's party next week, but I think he might be a little young for that...we'll see. Looks like he had a great day with so many friends. I love the pic of everyone signing and singing! Happy Birthday big guy!

kimee said...

happy 5th birthday max looks like you had a fabulous party.

Kristi said...

Looks like a great party! LOVE the decorate your own cupcake idea! And... I love seeing that new park has become such a source of joy for you guys!

Canela is so sweet, too! What a cuddle bug she is!