Friday, June 19, 2009

last day of school!

Woo hoo...Max successfully completed his first year of school!

Time for hugs and tickles! (Max loves piggy back rides...but only if we are face to face.)

Yep, there is Max making faces at the mirror...again. :)

Time for one last art project!

And the highlight of the morning was Max doing such a great job at circle time! When asked to gave the photo card to another student, he appropriately chose the right student (with his photo on it) and gave it to him. SO AWESOME!

How cute are all the kiddos dancing and singing?

Congratulations to all of you...we are excited to see you again in the fall!


Leslie, Arlin and Katie Kauffman said...

Congratulations on finishing your first year of school, Max! I love that you and your aide have such a special relationship. I hope she is able to be with you again next year!

hannah m said...

This is so exciting! What a year you've had, Max! So much growth and blossoming. It is such a treat to get a peek into your classroom.