Sunday, February 8, 2009


Oh my goodness, I am so overjoyed to share this most exciting news! Are you ready??? :)

Mighty Max used the potty!!! It was awesome! We have been working on this for awhile, and finally something just clicked. And even better? He has gone eight times in the last two days...every time I put him on the potty, he at least gives a few drops.

Seriously, we went crazy last night when he did it the first time. Max was loving all the dancing, jumping and applauding. It was truly awesome! (The photos are actually from his very first "pee.")

I truly feel like I won the lottery. With all of Max's challenges, I wasn't sure if this would ever be possible. And here he is...once again proving just how MIGHTY he is! :)

(Thanks Evan for inspiring us to keep trying! You rock my friend!)


Sandi said...

Oh my goodness! Way to go Max. I'm so happy for both of you :) I cannot wait till my boys become Kings of the Potty. Max you are such a handsome boy.

Healing Journey said...

Yeah MAX!!!!! I was so excited when you told me about this and now seeing the picture I am so proud of you Max :)

Jennifer said...

Woo Hoo!!! That is awesome news! Yea Max!! Great job hanging in there Amy! You are a wonderful mommy!!

Eva and her 'rents said...

WOW WOW WOW!!! That is FAB-U-LOUS!!!

The Claytons said...

YAY MAX!! Way to go!

Jen said...

you are such an amazing little guy!

sarah and the troops said...

Yeah Max!!! This is so exciting. What a very big boy you are. And, you are the most adorable King!!

Crystal M. said...

Great job Max!! I do not know if and when Eva will ever be ready, I worry about tring and nothing happening it took me 3 hours to get her to go just to get a sample. She doesn't really communicate enough to try right now.
Great job Max you and Evan will be battleing for the title.
Crystal and Eva

Katy said...

Oh boy, Amy....
When Max gets older, he's totally going to kill you for trying to show these pictures to his girlfriends. :)

Congrats on the new accomplishment!
Can't wait to see you guys!

Sara Blair said...

I'm so proud of you Max...and Amy! :)

Heather said...

We had a chant around here "Pee-pee in the Pot-ty" and the kids still love it. I'd be happy to demonstate the chant if you'd like :)

Carolyn said...

Way to go Max !! Keep up the good work.
Carolyn in WV

Samantha Seholm said...

Way to go Max that is awsome:) I am so happy for you guys. Keep up the good work.

hannah m said...

Way to go, Mighty Max! You look mighty cute in your crown and on your "throne"!

Shannon said...

Dear Master of the Throne Max,
Oh my gosh! Amy I am so proud of Max (and you) I know it wasn't easy getting to this point.

Can Max please come show us how to potty?

And come look at my new pics. I though it was too weird that we both used picnik for our photos. (I swear I didn't copy you, even though I know you wouldn't mind) but still weird coincidence.

Way to "go" Maxwell!
Shannon, Porter and Abigail

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! You go Max! Congrats on yet another wonderful milestone. You'll have to let him show his WV spirit and let him try pee-pee outside next! Its definitely a boy thing! Way to go Max! We are so proud of you and mommy both!