I am so relieved that Max is feeling better today! His fever would just not go down yesterday...despite any "interventions." It finally peaked at 104.4 and started to decline in the late afternoon. By the time he went to bed it was below 102 and overnight he was back at 97.5 (his usual).
During the DDD assessment, he just laid in my arms...naked, red hot and in need of lots of love and comfort. His nurse was with us too, but of course "Mommy love" is the ultimate when you aren't feeling good, right?
Everything went well and Max's case worker felt fairly confident we wouldn't lose services. Keeping my hopes up that he is correct...
Meanwhile, I'm keeping Max home today (of course) and probably taking him to the doctor's today. They just want to ensure there isn't any hidden "infection," i.e. UTI, etc.
Thank you for all your warm thoughts and prayers...very appreciated!
I am so glad he is feeling better.
Crystal and Eva
The power of prayers. Glad Max is feeling better.
Hugs for both of you,
Carolyn in WV
I look for up-dates everyday, but I don't usually leave a comment. Glad little Max is feeling better.
Continuing to send prayers for health and comfort to both of you! Take it easy, friends!
Glad the worst is over, it seems to be going around! Hopefully it also helped to have him sick in your arms during your DDD assesment ;)
Glad you are feeling better Max!
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