Several times a day Max practices walking between me and another person. He just loves this "game" (aka therapy) and is gaining more control and balance every day.
He is up to about six steps right great! Even more exciting is that he finally is doing this independently...i.e. I don't have to ask him to walk over to me. If he is at the couch and wants to get to the chair, he sometimes will take a few steps all by himself. So cool!
But last night he took it up to another level! He was walking between me and our friend Sara and having a blast. Then he lost his balance for a moment but he caught himself as he fell. This skill is huge (as fellow special needs parents will attest). So he was then on all fours (as he caught himself with his hands in front of him)...and I'm thinking "Oh my gosh, is he going to do it? Will he actually stand back up by himself?"
AND YES HE DID! Sara and I went was sooooo exciting! This is a wonderful milestone for Max...such confidence and determination. Love my kiddo! :)
Way to go Max!
WAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! YAY!!! Max got to open a gift early so why shouldn't mama get one too right?
Oh this is just so exciting for you guys! YAYAYAYA
Great job MAX!!
Crystal and Eva
max if i could be there right now i would give you the biggest hug right've been so strong on my mind these last few weeks..I'm so glad your mommy is posting about you..
OMG!!! Way to go Max! Your mommy and all of her friends near and far are so proud of you!
Shannon in Austin
Max, you sure know how to pull on my heart strings. I'm so excited for you and Mommy. You can scratch that off your list of "to do".
Blowing you kisses,
Carolyn in WV
Wonderful! Fabulous! Ah, tears in my eyes! Yay, yay, yay!!
Yay for you, Max!! You'll be walking around everywhere before you know it!
YIIIPEEEEEE!!! Oh, Max and Amy, this makes my heart soar with happiness...and of course my eyes have filled with the happy kind of tear, as well. How precious and meaningful this milestone is: it represents so much hard work by the two of you. We celebrate you and this milestone, friends!
Much love, H+V+v
Hi Amy,
Thank you so much! Max is adorable! I have been following him and I posted a comment on his page a little while back. I really enjoy reading all the stories you share :) I am going to add him to Christophers fellow chargers - hope its ok :)
WOOOHOOO MAX! Great job! You amaze me every time I check on you! Good job sweetheart!
Have a great Holiday!
God Bless,
Brian, Sarah, and Caleb Hlebiczki
Oh my heck! That is so awesome. He's living up to the Mighty isn't he? (Can you tell I'm just now catching up on blogs? That's what you do when you're snowed in!)
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