1) Maxwell isn't pleased with his new earmolds, and he has clearly let me and his teachers know that. Today he removed his hearing aid three times at school. Obviously the mold doesn't feel right to him, but the old one was giving lots of feedback. So it looks like we'll be making another trip to Children's for new impressions. And the funky monkey ear? Well, that ear proves to be nearly impossible for a mold and will probably require surgery in a few years.
We have been so fortunate in this "department" that I can't really complain. Max has some hearing and he has (until now) totally accepted his hearing aid. These are just some frustrating bumps along the road.
2) Speaking of frustrating...I'm not sure why Max has decided the best time to start our day is 4 am. Seriously Max, don't you know how wonderful and important sleep is to you and your mommy?
So yes, I have finally decided that I simply need to adjust my sleep schedule around his, but it is really difficult to go to bed at 9pm. That's "me" time. But I also need the sleep to keep up with him and our busy schedule. Hmmm...considering it's 10 pm, I guess I already broke my new schedule? Eeks.
Ok, well instead of talking about sleeping...I guess I should go do just that. And perhaps Max's ear molds will magically fit perfectly tomorrow. :) Problems solved...next?
UPDATE: Max decided to switch it up last night. He woke up at 1 am and thought that would be a great time for a video and snuggle with Mom. Ummm, no. So for the next four hours two very strong willed individuals put up a fight. I would lay him down and explain that he needed sleep. He would cry like a maniac and get out of bed (yes this is a new thing...very exciting!) and come looking for me. So I get up and he is in the dark hallway with his blocks crying miserably. Once he sees me, he signs "Mickey Mouse." No Max it's not time for a Mickey Mouse video. (But boy it sure is difficult to be stern when he is being so cute and smart!) This continues for a few hours and finally I give in and sleep with him. He still wasn't thrilled but at least he had some company in his misery. He finally did fall asleep for awhile but he thought it was great fun to wake up and use Mommy's head as a playground for his blocks. So today we woke up at a much later time of 7:30 am but quite honestly I prefer our other nights over this. :)
*Kristy, think of all the work we could get done together at 2am if we lived closer!?!
the wonders of charge land huh you two btter go get soem rest for me max you meed to let mummy sleep i know u love her but so do we
I hope it all works out in the end and who knows one day Max might start sleeping in.
Crystal and Eva
Amy, the saying is "misery loves company" and if Mighty Max was going to be miserable, he wanted you as company. I hope you both were able to take a nap later in the day.
Carolyn in WV
Oh, Max, Max, Max - you're keepin' your mama on her toes, Sweet Boy!
Make sure Mama takes herself out for a pumpkin spice latte, ok? She probably needs a little pick me up!
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