This afternoon was our meeting with the school and special education director to discuss Max's safety and communication needs. This summer, the director had approved a one-to-one aide for the first three weeks to help with Max's transition. This was a big "win" for us, but my goal was a long term, permanent aide for the school year. be quite honest, my ideal "goal" was that Max would do SO incredible that he simply would have no use for an aide. :) No harm in being optimistic, right?
So today his teachers, therapists, principal and I got together, and we discussed his progress, communication, attention, behavior, and future needs. They are such a wonderful and supportive team, and I just love that they have noticed Max's special spirit...his spunk...his potential.
And they have also noticed his challenges. That's for sure. So yep, we got the permanent aide. I am thrilled and very proud that we were so assertive about this need. BUT I must admit I also got a little sad. It's another reality check..."oh, my precious amazing lil' man has enough challenges in a small, developmental classroom that he warrants his very own aide?" I know it is the very best for him...but again, it is just a reminder of his many challenges.
Anyway...this is a major relief for us. We still have work to do in the classroom to help the therapists learn to make the most of their time with him. But overall, I am very pleased...and most importantly, I am so very proud of Mighty Max! He is really working hard to make this transition and learning something new each and every day. What a guy, what a guy! :)
wow so grat xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Amy,
I was really interested to see your feelings about the one to one aide, as they mirrored mine! Jacob started school in the UK this week, he is in a small class of 8 kids who all have speech and communication difficulties, but Jacob is the only one with additional needs (Visual impairement, no balance and tube feeding) due to Charge. So like Max he gets his own aide too....even in this relatively safe environment it IS needed to make sure he can fully access the curriculum. But I know what you mean, I am delighted we got his needs met and secured the one to one but it certainly feels a bittersweet victory...on the plus side Jacob likes his aide and is loving school, and that is the main thing! Alexis (Mum to Jacob -who is SuperCharged, UK)
Wow thats is great news, I hope it all works out in the end for him and he is going to do many new things with his new school year.
Crystal and Eva
Hi Amy,
The aide is a double-edged sword. You are so excited that he gets the aide, which is exactly what you were fighting for, but to have confirmation from others that Max needs it had to hurt. I'm proud of you for sticking up so strongly to get Max what he needs. Love you and wish you some sleep soon.
i am so proud of you for advocating for Max and succeeding in in all of this. Keep going the distance.
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