Monday, February 4, 2008

the fine art of procrastination

Max has learned a new skill...and I think it simply is brilliant, hilarious and just so cute!

He has learned to put off going to bed....what an age appropriate typical child behavior. How does he do this? Well this smart lil' guy knows I never, ever turn him down if he signs "eat." He uses this knowledge to his advantage...and yep, you guessed it. When I tell him it is time for bed, he will look around like am I going to get out of this and then look at me with a lil' grin and sign "eat." Of course I give in each time because I think well maybe he is hungry and I love that he is asking for something so directly. The past few nights he has done this (the asking to eat instead of sleep) and how much does he eat? Oh just about a bite or two and then signs "all done." Definitely procrastination at its finest.

The best was just now. His coughing (I'll post tomorrow about the "whooping cough" situation...but yes he is displaying symptoms and is being treated with antibiotics) woke him up and so I picked him up to comfort him. When I laid him back in his crib, he was half asleep but still managed to ask "eat?" Fortunately he didn't get too upset when I signed that it was time to sleep.

Oh my lil' guy...I love your emerging personality. So funny, clever and downright adorable. :)


Pearl said...

Max, from one procrastinator to another...way to go!!! I always knew you were a child after my own heart ;-)

Amy, Mike and Ben Russo said...

Max, you crack me up! You are so clever.

Crystal M. said...

Max always has a way to put a smile on your face what a clever funny little man!!
Crystal and Eva

Anonymous said...

He is down right adorable..mommy has to get a video of night time sleep.

Carolyn said...

Max, you are getting a super personality. Typical little boy not wanting to go to bed and finding excuses. I love you !! (and your Incredible Mommy)
Love & Prayers,
Carolyn in WV

Unknown said...

lol how funny love ya

Melissa said...

ok.. someone has to teach him the "i'm thirsty" trick and later on the "i have to potty" trick. i mastered those quite well as a child! i'll be more than happy to pass on this expertise. max, you are a genius.