Max was quite entranced with the water but definitely did not want to stop walking to see it closer. We tried, and he was not happy at all! But he was ok with stopping to practice a few signs (water and boat)...and he even noticed a bird and signed that too. :) Just love watching him communicate his observations, his needs...truly amazing.
As usual, Maxwell got a lot of praise from everyone for being soooo adorable and amazing! I can see why! How beautiful is this kiddo...and how beautiful is this sunny day???
wow, max! i don't think I can walk from the chrysalis to woods coffee and back again without being exhausted! great job! and way to go signing water, boat AND bird (along with a few "i love yous," i bet!)! and i agree with your mommy.... I LOVE THIS SUNSHINE!!!!!!
My kids whine and moan making that trek, so we usually park at Boulevard, then I listen to them moan and groan about walking to the beach and back. Lazy bums! You know, the Boston Marathon is approaching...
i so love those pics it made me think of coogee now im gonna try walking to hole length of that beach bigon eto
A beautiful Max, beautiful Mommy and beautiful sunny day, WOW !!
Love the pics.
Love & Prayers,
Carolyn in WV
He looks so grown-up out on his stroll! I bet he REALLY needed a cookie after all that walking, though.
Doesn't the sunshine make everything better!
WOW can you send some of that wonderful weather our way it is still way to cold to even try to go for a walk.
Looked like a beautiful day with a beautiful view.
Crystal and Eva
It's so not fair that's what your "outdoors" looks like...when we look out the window all we see is snow. :) But it's good to see that you and Max get to enjoy it even if we can't.
The day was beautiful, but not as beautiful as you. We love you so much You just get more precious every day What a big boy you have grown out to be. You have taught me so much.
Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Diane and Alexandra
r favorite walk! We absolutely love it and I'm so glad to hear that you and Max had a great time. We'll have to go as a group soon. Very soon.
Great pictures and I think Mr. Max got a hair cut. Nice.
oh Max.. you were cruisin at my favorite park. maybe one of these days i'll see you down there when i'm walking or on a break from work. yippee!!
Oh, Amy...He is so handsome! It just hit me after looking at these pics how much he HAS grown up since I first started keeping up with ya'll. And as a mother myself, I know that you are thrilled to finally have Max communicate with you. That is just wonderful...
Lindsay Godsey
Oh, Amy...He is so handsome! It just hit me after looking at these pics how much he HAS grown up since I first started keeping up with ya'll. And as a mother myself, I know that you are thrilled to finally have Max communicate with you. That is just wonderful...
amazing well done Max and what beautiful scenic views...wish we were there instead of rainy UK x
Your title says it all!
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