The nutritionist was ecstatic about how much I am eating orally! Plus she was relieved to learn the quality of foods I am enjoying! I am definitely a very healthy eater. (I guess that is the advantage to having reduced taste!)
I did really well with my hearing test, but no improvement in my actual hearing levels. However, my response ability had definitely improved and that was encouraging (cognitively). Mommy just loved watching me "perform" so well for the audiologist! Meg has known me since I was just a lil' wee baby in the NICU. She was amazed at how great I am doing!
The good news is that I am learning to work well with the hearing that I have...that's really all we can ask for, right? We ordered a new hearing aide and got new molds made. (That was definitely my least favorite part of the day!)
Enjoy the photos...Mommy is so happy to have our camera back! :)

(Of course my walker is right next to me in case I need a quick getaway!)

Yes, Maxwell, you are simply adorable! I love you so much!
Merry Christmas,
"Auntie Mary"
I hope that your gift arrived and that you like it. You are such fun to shop for.
Wonderful news all around, glad you had all that good news for once at an appointment. Keep up the great work!!
Crystal and Eva
I absolutely love your big boy sweather. How handsome are you? Wow, you have really grown up. I love the magnet mommy sent me in the most adorable card. What a wonderful Christmas gift and to get it on Christmas eve. Alex and I love it. Thank you so much. Hope you have a Merry Christmas.
Love to you both,
Diane and Alexandra
Merry Christmas!!! My Love to both of you!!
You ARE about the most adorable boy I've ever met. Thanks for the sweet hugs tonight Max. They made my Christmas! Merry Christmas!!
I love your sweater Max. And arent threeway mirrors quite entertaining? You need a gazillionway mirror youre so cute.
Love and hugs.
Great job on your hearing tests:)
Amy, did you get YOUR camera back? Did I miss something?
lovely and knew mummy would update lol thanks amy love u
Wow great news:) I love your big boy sweater, Max you are sooo adorable.
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