is with your blocks of course! Max loves to line them all up as he watches his current favorite video...MICKEY MOUSE!
He will quickly get my attention if the TV has moved forward and the blocks don't fit on the ledge. To give him credit, he does always attempt to push the TV back by himself. (Very cute to watch.) But he quickly realizes he needs help and will let me know. (Great opportunity to learn the sign "help!")
And yes, I know it is not a good idea to watch TV that close. But honestly, sometimes you have to pick your battles. :) And he loves being up there and dancing with Mickey and his friend! The funny part is when he needs to sign Mickey Mouse (which requires two hands) while he is standing. (He can't stand on his own yet for more than a few seconds.) However, this determined lil' man does always seem to find a way to let his needs be known!
Max, Eva loves Mickey's club house.
Crystal and Eva
To alleviate any guilt you may have, watching TV that close doesn't cause any eye damage (it's just hard to see the whole picture from three inches away!). That's Evan's favorite vantage point too :)
Sarah, Jeremy, and Evan
Ben too is a HUGE Mickey Mouse fan!!! And by, huge, I mean HUGE!!! I've watched so many episodes, I can tell that "Mickey's Round Up" is the eposide he was watching in the picture (I can't believe I'm admitting that). That episode is one of Ben's favorites. But Max is too cute with his blocks and TV. I'm sure Ben would be standing that close if he could.
wow wat a great way to make him stand heheh love u sweety
Max, you are scrumptious! Too cute!
he's so stinkin' cute..he's my official mouseketeer!
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