Wednesday, September 3, 2008

off to school

Today it's just me...Max doesn't start until Monday the 8th.

There has been A LOT of preparation for Maxwell to begin this transition. And today we have another list of meetings at the school.

I need to meet with the nurse again and finalize his health plan. His teacher, therapists and I are also meeting again to finalize his 40+ page IEP (Individual Education Plan). I have many, many changes that need incorporated into the document. Some are just words but words that carry a lot of meaning. "Max will require" instead of "Max will likely require" and so on and so on.

I'm feeling more and more confident about this transition as we get closer. With the right support, I think he will do really well! His teacher attended one of Max's therapies last week to get a better idea of how he learns, interacts, etc. I thought that was wonderful. What a great demonstration of true interest in a child!

On Friday we have our "school orientation" and I am sooooo looking forward to that. The big day is getting closer and closer! SO EXCITING! :)


shawn said...

I saw his name on the class list outside the door yesterday. Exciting! I am glad you have such a dedicated teacher.

Sandi said...

Wonderful news Amy! I haven't been as good about posting comments, but I keep up to date on Max and you! I just love, love, the photos and all the outings you guys have as a family.

Carolyn said...

Mr. Max, I can hardly believe you are going to school. I hope you will like your teacher.
Hugs to you and Mommy,
Carolyn in WV

Heather said...

It didn't click this morning that B and Max will be in the same school, duh for me! I was not having a fun morning when I saw you, so forgive me if I seemed distracted (5 year old boys are not my favorite thing lately!).
Maybe we'll see you Friday for B's first day of school!

Shannon said...

Wow! What an awesome therapist to do that. I doubt youd see that very often. So happy For Max!
I am so proud of you! You are really growing up before our eyes.
Love and kisses,
Shannon in Austin

Chantel said...

I'll be looking for you at school!!!