I just lost it on Saturday night and a good friend came over to offer support. Thank you M! I needed that good cry! We talked about how many times we have thought about just running away to a desert island with our kiddos. Because it isn't Max's disabilities that disappoint or frustrate me...it's "fitting in" to the community, being compared to typical children, dealing with the standards, etc. And quite frankly, some of that is brought on by ourselves...you can't help but look at other families and compare lives. However, on a deserted island, I could simply enjoy HIM for all that he is...and not for what he isn't.
And this morning we had a much needed "parent time" during our children's therapy playgroup. That is when the parents all get together and support one another. We have all become great friends, so we value this time. A group of us is actually starting to get together monthly, and that is going to be wonderful! (No more whooping cough Kristy!)
So I know we are incredibly blessed with such a supportive network of friends and family, and for that I am very thankful. But I still cannot seem to let go of my idealistic goal of the entire world really "getting it"...really getting the needs, challenges and frustrations in the special needs community. No lip service, no token gestures please...just "get" how amazing our children are, how much potential they have with the proper services and encouragement, and how much love, wisdom and happiness they have to offer the world.
Check him out. Look at those big brown beautiful eyes, sweet lips, cute chubby cheeks...so adorable!
We were waiting at the doctor's office, so we decided to take some walks around the place. And walking is what we did...around and around and around!
I so wish I lived closer to you, I think we would be great support for one anther. Yeah we have eachother here on line but it is not the same. I do not have much support here at all. Yeah I live with my in laws but what help are people who do not say much or even come out of their rooms to see how things are.
I really need friends in my life and I really do not have any. Most of the time if I call someone they need to run or it seems like they do not want to hear me vent.
I do have free long distance so if you ever want to talk let me know I can call you and I can email you my number then I can call you back if you want so its a free call.
Crystal and Eva
Amy, you and Max have taught me so much and I love you both. Max, you are a beautiful boy. I like seeing pictures of you with your walker. You have grown into such a little man. Max, give Mommy a hug for me.
Carolyn in WV
Those are great pictures of Max!
I say what Crystal says. I too wish I could support you in person. Even if it were to babysit (I'd love it!) Mr. Valentine. (while you took a moment to be with friends or alone time). Again, just showing support!
I want to melt at the pics of max in that shirt. And yes, his eyes, cheeks, lips, little nose and cute little legs. All precious! Like I said, if I saw you at the store you probably couldn't get rid of me!
-Shannon :)
My God! I look at Max and see little Reu, the same right watery eye. It's uncanny! I've started to think, it's not Reu that's "disabled" in any way. It's his mum at times. Like self ostrisizing really
Max has Elvis' beautiful lips you know!!!!
(((hugs))) I really wish there was a way to show people how amazing our kids are. Like when people say "I don't know how you do it".... um I love him that's how.
Someday, I hope people with differences will really be embraced, not just tolerated.
we all have our perfect worlds in our head a world where evyerone gets it as you say and i reckon if people like us keep at it it will happen so keep up the great work amy i got faith in u both love u
Hugs to both of you! I wish I was there to offer you any support I could (and real hugs in person). You and Max are a shining example of what LOVE really is!! Much love is always being sent your way! (by the way, he is so stinkin' cute! I love his shirt!)
Love from your cousin,
Kate :)
There is nothing profound to say here except that I learn from and am inspired by you and Max every day, and send you love, hugs and prayers always.
And Catherine is right...Max DOES have the Elvis lips! I'm going to find him one of the white leisure suits and sunglasses sets they sell here in Memphis in all the giftshops. How would that be for a Halloween costume?!?!?
Amy, as I have told you many times, you are tops as a mother. I have such love and respect for you. As for Maxwell, he is beautiful from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet! I just want to kiss the computer screen when I see his sweet pictures.
Hi Mighty Max! What a treat to finally meet our little local Bellingham celebrity this morning. You and your momma looked so cute! Like I said this morning - how do moms manage to get out the door with everyone looking so cute and awake? I had a hard enough time getting myself out the door (without a shower!) and the baby still in her pjs. I suppose once I have my own kiddos and learn all the little tricks I'll be able to pull it off (like a cute little 5am alarm clock, right?!).
Just wanted to say hi and tell you that it was a great start to my day to see you zooming around! You are even more adorable in person!
I just love your transparency. I love how children teach us with such wisdom they don't even realize they have!!!
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