Thursday, January 31, 2008

under the weather but still going strong!

Max has been sick since this weekend but handling it all pretty well. Such a trooper.

Slight fever, major congestion, labored breathing...the usual. HOWEVER, he is managing this without supplemental oxygen, which is wonderful! The other good news is he hasn't needed any extra medications (just increased inhalers, etc.).

The doctor checked him out yesterday and he was pleased with how Max has acted like a fairly "typical" kiddo during this illness. He does have an ear infection and will probably need meds for that, but we held off for one more day. BUT besides that, the doctor basically wanted me to do the typical things...humidifier, lots of hot showers with me, etc. I joked about my skipping parenting 101 and skipping right to parenting 1001...sometimes I forget the very basics.


Crystal M. said...

I hope you are better soon, we are sick here too its not fun at all.
Crystal and Eva

Unknown said...

hope ur beter soon but its great its nto as bad as allwasys means hes improving