Through her new company, my sister designed it for me...and I am just loving it! I love feeling inspired every time I walk down my hallway and reading these words of
Want one for yourself? Just email or visit the company's blog. We are addicted to vinyl around here! :)
That is a wonderful saying thanks for sharing.
Crystal and Eva
lovely my little magnet with max in it that u sent sits on my lap i look at him when i wak and go to sleep eva is in a photo album
Love the vinyl... been reading your other posts too (you asked me not to of course). Cx
I love this quote I already asked Elizabeth to make one for me. I need something inspiring like this in my life right now.
Love that quote Amy! thanks for sharing it. I am so excited I finally figures out my blogger ID so can leave messages. Give max lots of loves for me!
Amy, I love it.
Hugs to you and Max,
Carolyn in WV
I love that saying! I've never heard it before and it means so much to us since that is what we have to remember every day. I'm going to order one! Thanks for sharing!!
Love it, love it, love it. Wonderful.
Diane and Alexandra
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