Well, let's just say that the therapy is great but with no horse involved. For the past month or so, his fabulous therapist and I have agreed that he isn't ready to try the horse again right now. There have been a few sessions that Max hasn't been in the most agreeable mood indoors and we could only have imagined how he would have felt when he caught eye of Misty (the horse). And if it is windy at all, Max isn't happy. So needless to say, our horse time has been very limited. That's ok though because his therapist does wonderful activities with him indoors. One of Max's very favorites is lots and lots of jumping on the trampoline. While this type of input to his system is very necessary, it is also wonderful how much he enjoys it!
"Mommy look at me, I'm upside down!" (Max LOVES doing this!)
Isn't Bellingham simply gorgeous?
Eva loves to be upside down too. Looks like he is getting something out of it and he loves that and I think that is what matters most.
Crystal and Eva
What is it with these kids loving to be upside down? Those mountains are gorgeous and I'd love to see those everyday. Lucky!
-Shannon :)
Wow! No wonder you love living out there so much. That view is breathtaking. Nothing like that in this part of the country ;-(
Love the trampoline pics, too. Having read the blog about standing on a waterbed, it makes his jumping skills even more impressive. Way to go, Maxwell!!
so sweet as allways you know today i was thinking of max at work we were packing these boxes that had pics of babies and the noise and eyes were so max ;he really bi ones xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Even if he does't get on the horse, still sounds like therapy is a success. Glad to hear he likes it so much - he needs to wear off on Ben! Max is such a cutie!
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