Here are a few highlights from my Christmas presents. I definitely have some very thoughtful and generous friends and family members! (Seriously, Mommy even cried a's amazing how some people who only know me through the blog really, really know me and got me the perfect presents!!! Amazing!)
Thank you everyone! :) Love, Mighty Max
Thank you everyone! :) Love, Mighty Max
This is actually Thomas's present from Papa and Grandma, but Mommy and I are "borrowing" it because I like it so much! :)

Or perhaps Papa thinks I have athletic potential? I definitely have the determination...I just need to get my balance once of these days and learn to stand! :)

A car and a fun musical instrument to make lots of noise! Perfect!
wow u got spoiled love it
Wonderful gifts!! Looks like Max really got into it. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas.
Crystal and Eva
What an awesome pic to see his eyes light up with the jammies. How awesome that he's signing monkey. We really need to get on the ball around here with signing. Max looks adorable and I'm sure that your eyes were filled with tears and your heart with joy. SOOOOO many people love Max (and you, mom!) including us all the way down here.
Love and blessings,
Shannon and Family
Max you hit the Jackpot..How lucky are you..Hope you are out enjoying the snow..We got flurries down here.
Ahhhhhh, you are so adorable. We are so happy you had a wonderful Christmas and got many presents you like. You and mommy deserve it.
Diane and Alexandra
Merry Christmas Max and Amy! You know, we haven't quite got round to opening Reu's presents yet.. it's all been a bit crazy... maybe tonight, the night after Boxing Day. Max looks wonderful and I love the message of peace-love-joy. Cxxx
thanks for sharing your site. what an adorable guy! and so loved. what a blessing! merry (late) christmas!!!
I promise that Bennett and I will be sending out your Christmas presents before the next one rolls around!! We'll probably be put on the naughty list for not getting them to you sooner...but this way you get two Christmas' instead of the usual one. :)
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