Saturday, November 5, 2011

hearing test results

A child with hearing loss is routinely tested to ensure hearing aids, etc. are programmed correctly. The typical test is the individual sits in a booth and listens for sounds from the audiologist. When he hears the sound, he is to look left or right and acknowledge the sound. There are all kinds of tricks of the trade to teach children how to do this test.

For awhile, Maxwell was doing great...and we were all excited and proud that he had reached the development stage of understanding this task. However, in the past year or so, Max stopped "performing" as well in the behavior based hearing tests. It seemed as though he was losing interest or simply bored with the activity. Therefore, the team decided a BAER, which is a sedated hearing test, would be the best route to get the most accurate results.

Sedating Max with anesthesia is not usually an easy option for the team, because his medical issues have put him as "high risk." We went through a battery of tests to ensure he was medically stable and he was given the green light this past Tuesday. Then on Friday we went to Children's for the BAER. Medically, he did wonderfully.

However, the hearing test results were quite discouraging. He wasn't getting bored in the previous tests...he truly couldn't hear the sounds. His hearing loss has progressed to the point of severe loss in one ear (which used to be more moderate) and the other has declined from severe to severe/profound. Wow. I didn't expect to get so emotional when I heard the news. But it hit me hard...especially the fact that it is worsening and that could mean he will eventually be 100% deaf.

So we return to Children's soon for another behavior test based on bone conduction hearing loss. This will help determine if we should continue with our typical hearing aids or move on to having a BAHA implanted.

another good day at Children's

I know hospitals aren't supposed to be "fun," but it's amazing what special moments you can share on such days. We always seem to really enjoy ourselves!

Yesterday, we returned to Children's for our (ok "his") sedated hearing test (BAER)...and sure enough, we enjoyed another great day together with many memorable moments! He truly amazes me with his calm, easy going nature and bravery in all situations.

The very first thing you must do at Children's is visit the beautiful fish tanks.
Max seriously heads straight to the tanks upon our arrival every time!
Did you know how much fun names badges can be? They present all kinds of opportunities to practice spelling!

Yep, check it out. There is Max finger spelling my name. Too funny!

Time to head back to the O.R. This is the first time he has walked independently to a procedure. Very cool!

He immediately started stripping off his gown. Wanted to show the ladies his beautiful body apparently! (That or he knows the routine so well that he knew they needed to add wires and tubes to him!)

Time for the laughing gas. Such a wonderful team helping him through this!

And Mommy gets to enjoy a delicious latte and cookie as she waits. I was a little nervous because Max is considered "high risk" for anesthesia but he did great medically. The hearing test results were, however, quite disappointing.
On our way home, Max decided to surprise me with spelling some new words. "Junior" and "house" were the two most repeated words. He would type in juniorhouse, gojunior, gohousethe as his "name" in the game.

Mysterious but good mysterious! His spelling is incredible!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

my reading man

I absolutely love watching Max enjoy books. It warms my heart to no end. For the two hour ride car ride, he "read" his Elmo book the entire way. I would catch him smiling and turning pages and I just couldn't stop admiring him. My favorite is when I would see him finger spelling the words. He LOVES to spell! Simply adore my reading man...

trick or treat!

Monster Cat (aka Max) went trick or treating for his speech therapy session on was so cute! His therapists were dressed as witches and they made quite the trio!

How cute are they?

They went around to different offices in the building and used the iPad to communicate about trick or treating. Getting chocolate is always motivating to Max!

This has to be the cutest ever Monster Cat!!!
"Come on ladies, we got more chocolate to collect!"
Love his cute lil' tail!

another glimpse into max's school day

This is Debra, Max's "substitute" aide. They have yet to find someone who can fluently sign (long, frustrating story). But she has been absolutely fantastic with loving and patient. We love you Debra!
While Max doesn't yet "drink," he is interested in taking a few sips of chocolate milk at lunch. I love seeing how grown up he is getting his own milk (with some assistance.)
Max helps pay for his lunch. (I'm not a big fan of most school lunches, but sometimes we do it for a little variety.)
Max cut the entire pumpkin all by himself!
We just love having Max's buddy, Dylan, in the same class.
(Plus he always greets with  me such an enthusiastic gotta love that!)
Helping him is Molly, one of the paraeducators in the classroom. She is fantastic!

Circle time!
(Notice how big some of the kiddos are? They have kindergarteners through third grade students in this class.)

pumpkin carving at speech therapy

We are truly blessed to be involved with the Speech/Communication Clinic at Western Washington University. Max has been attending speech therapy sessions twice a week there for nearly three years. They are incredibly dedicated, knowledgeable, passionate and caring. Typically each semester the actual clinician changes (they are students), but they work closely with their supervisor. And our supervisor is simply amazing! She has not only become a trusted advisor but also a wonderful friend.

Last week Max carved pumpkins with his two clinicians, Lyndsey and Erica. They use different activities to work with Maxwell on reception and expressive communication.

Gail (supervisor) often comes in and provides assistance or input.

The iPad is incorporated throughout the session. While Max isn't one to independently use this tool a lot, he will when prompted.
Oops, I've been spotted...what a sweet lil' smile my guy is giving me!